vendredi 24 février 2017


Prohibition of the Koran book on Canadian soil
Official Canadian Charter of the Protection of Western Peoples Peacefully Democratic Act against Tyranny, Jihadism and International Social Islamic Instability in all its Possible Forms
1-Given that some ideologies are more violent than others in their writings, expansionist, hateful, misogynist, etc. then they can not be considered all on the same footing of Equality and practiced publicly without any restrictions in a country of freedom like Canada.
2-Even if contemporary society is experiencing various abuses and social problems, the solution to the lack of morality of the different populations of the world is not Islam in itself which is rather an old retrograde ideology based on the mode of Life of the people of the desert 1400 years ago, much like the archaic religious dogmas presented in Christianity (Prophet Jesus) and Judaism (Prophet Abraham).
3-Islam is the most barbaric religion of the three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islamism) and has demonstrated on several occasions in history that it can not fully agree with other religions (Buddhism, Hinduism , Etc.) and current peaceful ideologies (liberalisms, capitalisms, communism, socialism) because in the Qur'an it does not advocate any rapprochement with these ideologies, which rather it incites hatred and violence to reconvert it to Islam.
4-This Muslim culture is struggling to flourish itself in the Middle East, which is too often at war and thereafter without violently clashing its opponents detractors from the countries that have welcomed it in the Western world. Islam tries to convert them by the violence and force of Jihad's explosions, its Sharia law text, or the democratic number.
5-Of the 6,200 verses in Koranic no less than 600 verses and more are hateful, which represents at least 10 to 15% on the total volume of the words dealt with in the Qur'an which corresponds to 1 page of violence per 10 pages of text.
6. More than 600 verses are devoted to the war against non-Muslims, apostates and other infidels who do not respect the violent immoral principles of the Koran.
7-An impressive number of 396 Koranic verses are at once hateful, bellicose, slavery, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish and this, calling to kill all the infidels and opponents of their ideology.
8-No less than 129 Qur'anic verses advocating war and jihad by the fanatical soldiers of Allah. This invariably incites hundreds, even thousands of jihadists to commit suicide every year around the world for their pathetic cause lost in advance. The age of glory of Islam has long since been well and truly finished since the Crusades with the Christians (Martel in France).
9-Only three verses are devoted to the peace of the people in the Quran (IV: 92, IX: 46, X: 10). In all, there are dozens of verses for peace, but these phrases concern only the promotion of peace between the various Muslims.
10-There are more than 200 repetitions of the word "hell", which seems to have been borrowed from Christianity and Judaism, religions prior to Islam and popular in the days of Jesus. The use of the name hell in Islam, frequently refers to send the infidels (Christians for example) to be burned in hell by the Islamic ones.
11-The use of 163 repetitions of the phrase "day of judgment", used to scare people and incite them to follow the immoral Koranic precepts. This alleged last day or the infidels and sinners of Islam will be judged, punished, killed and sent to hell to suffer there until the end of time.
12-Consider about 117 repetitions of the term "resurrection" in the Qur'an as if someone would come back sooner or later to punish or praise his servants.
13-At least 365 repetitions of the word "punishment" and its many aggressive variants (threats, revenge, intimidation, fear, etc.).
14-There are 41 misogynist verses of the Koran and or associating the woman with the evil and the devil, which places her continually in a position of evil woman-object to be limited for her diabolical charms and placed in her hand by man.
15-Even if the moderate Muslims do not apply these precepts to the letter and read them in their sacred book, for the writings remain the same in all periods and sometimes taught as such.
16-Re-equalization of the Rights of Women with those of Men in religious communities or other academic or professional organizations.
17-Obligation of all Muslims to unveil the face at the welcoming ceremony and oath of allegiance in Canada.
18-Obligation for all Muslims to reveal their faces to vote in provincial and federal elections at all 4 years in order to exercise their right to vote and not to hide another fraudulent face.
19-Obligation for all Muslims not to display their religious sign in the public space during their occupation (eg judge, Physician, construction worker, nurse, etc.), and for normal citizens who must not display a sign that reminds them of religion and Islamic precepts.
20-Complete and effective banning of Islam in Canada and any hateful religious discourse related to Quranic texts, including each of its distinctive provinces such as Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Colombia British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.
21-Relativism of thought & given Islamic value system in relation to other millions of forms of possible ideologies on Earth and elsewhere in the universe. Islam is one religion among others, believing itself to be the only one elected, like all the others, but which has nothing to legitimize these claims except for the forced application of conversion by violence.
22-Diminishment of fortuitous social tensions Which divide the Muslims among them (eg Sunni vs Shiite) who are known to them through their wars and political conflicts of history.
23-Closure & Destruction of Mosques of Muslim Islamic faith in the Province of Quebec and elsewhere thereafter in Canada.
24-Demislamization of schools, colleges and universities or any other place of learning.
25-Gradual deification of their sphere of reflection which is unfortunately often incapable of detaching themselves from their ideology of thought.
26-According to Statistics Canada figures, the Arab population will triple in Canada by the year 2031, which would lead to a 15% increase in its faithful Muslims, claiming values ​​significantly different from ours. That is why it is of paramount importance that Quebec and Canadian families are concerned that hateful and violent ideologies develop in their democratic institutions and populations.
27. Public practice and propaganda related to Nazism is prohibited in Canada because it has demonstrated too many times in history that it was violent and propagated hateful values ​​and dangerous to human civilization. The same applies to any other ideology with too high a percentage of hateful, racial, warrior, murderous precepts, and so on.
28-Koranic precepts often inciting people to burn, making them combustible for fire. Extract from the religious text: "Those who do not believe, their property, or their children will not in any way shelter them from the punishment of Allah. They will be fuel for the Fire "(Sr 3 10). There is a historical parallel to the Nazis who also insisted on the importance of burning people when they did not believe in their dictatorial ideology.
29-Misogynist proposition proposing that Man is superior to Woman. Extract from the religious text: "Husbands are superior to women. (Sr2 128).
30-Incitement to murder against non-Muslims who would stand against them on their way. Extract from the religious text: "And kill them, wherever you meet them; And chase them from whence they have driven you: association is more serious than murder. But do not fight them near the sacred mosque before they have fought you there. If they fight you, then kill them. Such is the reward of the disbelievers "(Sr2 191). "Let the people who do not believe disappear forever! (Sr 23:44).
31-Incitement to fight and destroy any "associative" group that would be against the dogmas of the Koran. Extract from the religious text: "And fight them until there is no association and religion is entirely with Allah. If they cease, then more hostilities, except against the unjust "(Sr 2:193).
32-Incentive to have no pity and to give respite to the unjust and infidel people who have sinned according to their precepts of recusation. Extract from the religious text: "We have prepared for the unjust a fire whose flames encircle them. And if they beg to drink, they will be watered with water like molten metal burning the faces. (Sr 18:29). "But if you reoffend, We will reoffend. And We have assigned Hell as a camp of detention to the infidels "(Sr17).
33-Incitement to rape and non-consenting sexual intercourse at any time according to the needs of the married man. Extract from the religious text: "Your wives are for you a field of plowing; Go to your field as [and when] you will, and work for yourselves in advance "(Sr. 223).
34-Incitement to fight those who do not adhere to Islam, who do not make known his demagogic religious dogmas and even humiliation and even their hand is cut as punishment. Extract from the religious text: "Fight those who do not believe in Allah or the Last Day, who do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden and do not profess the religion of truth among those who have received the Until they pay the capitation by their own hands, after they have been humbled "(Sr8.29).
35-Incitement to punishment of women multiplied by two. Extract from the religious text: "O wives of the Prophet! The one of you who commits a proven turpitude, the punishment will be doubled twice! And this is easy for Allah "(Sr33.30).
36-Lowering the rights of any believer in relation to the prophet of Islam Muhammad to whom he must surrender and bequeath to him his own rights. The unbelievers thus would not have more right than these because they at the base considered unjust and impious. Extract from the religious text: "The Prophet has more right over believers than they have over themselves; And his wives are their mothers "(Sr33 6).
37-The incessant invocation of the punishments to be suffered on Earth and thereafter in the afterlife for the infidels of Allah who profane his name and his ambiguous religious messages. Extract from the religious text: "Those who offend Allah and His Messenger, Allah curses them down here as in the Hereafter and prepares them for a degrading punishment" (S33, 57).
38-Inappropriate obligation of girls and women to cover their faces so as not to offend men in their daily activities. Extract from the religious text: "O Prophet! Tell your wives, your daughters, and the wives of the believers, to bring back their great veils over them: they will be recognized sooner and avoided being offended. Allah is Oft-Forgiving and Merciful "(S33, 59).
39-Incitement not to frequent and enter into neighborhood with the Western populations who do not believe in their Islamist ideology closed on itself. Extract from the religious text: "Certainly, if the hypocrites (hear the unbelievers and other false converts) those who have heart disease, and alarmists [sowers of trouble] in Madina do not cease, We will bring you against them, And then they will stay there only a short while in your neighborhood "(S33, 60).
40-Formal prohibition of the holding of speeches made by radical Imams in mosques, public or private places that could lead some believers towards fanatical Islamic dangerous directions of jihadism.
41- The irresponsibility of the one who commits an act of reproving violence, for it would not be he who would commit crimes in the name of Islam but indeed his God himself, which disempowered him from any serious immoral action, such as cutting Hands, heads or doing Jihad. Extract from the religious text: "It was not you who killed them, but Allah killed them" (S8: 17).
42. Incitement to the extermination of those who treat the lies of the fanatics of Islam as false. Extract from the religious text: "We have saved him, and those who were with him, out of mercy on our part, and We have exterminated those who"(S7, 72).
43-Incitation to strike those who do not adhere to the precepts proclaimed by their prophet Muhammad. Extract from the religious text: "And thy Lord revealed to the angels, I am with you: strengthen the believers. I will throw terror into the hearts of the disbelievers. So strike over the necks and strike them on all the ends of their fingers "(S8: 12).
44-Inciting harassment and witch-hunting by chasing or whatever the infidels of Allah. Extract from the religious text: "They are cursed. Wherever they are found, they will be caught and killed mercilessly. "(Sr33.61).
45-Prohibition for women to leave their homes more than is necessary under the law of Islam and whether they Go out then it is absolutely necessary that she hides the face. Extract from the religious text: "[Women of the Prophet] Stay in your homes; And do not show yourself in the manner of women before Islam "(S33 33).
46-Incitement to chastise for all and nothing those who do not follow the laws of Muslims for their warlike precepts and historically outdated by 1400 years of d With the moral and legal evolutions of contemporary society. Extract from the religious text: "They will abide there forever. The punishment will not be alleviated, and they will have no respite "(S3: 88).
47-Incitement to punishment by whipping of persons committing adultery. The Quran also proposes to supervise the session with the help of several believers encouraging unnecessary punitive public actions. Extract from the religious text "Fornicator and fornicator, whip each of them a hundred lashes. And do not be pitied for them in the execution of the law of Allah - if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. And a group of believers witness their punishment. "(Qur'an 24: 2).
48-Incitement to Jihad by mentioning to blind faithful that they will be rewarded for having suffered even to be killed for their religious cause. Extract from the religious text: "The reward of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and who strive to sow corruption on earth is that they are killed or crucified, Hand and leg, or expelled from the country. It will be for them the ignominy here below; And in the Hereafter there will be an enormous punishment for them "(Sr 5.33).
49-Incitement to torture for those who steal anything in Muslim countries. Extract from the religious text: "The thief and the thief, both of you cut off your hand, as punishment for what they have acquired, and as punishment on the part of Allah. Allah is Mighty and Wise "(Sr 5:38).
50-Incitement to hatred and vengeance for all those who are unjust and would not follow the principles of their violent prophets. Extract from the religious text: "And We have prescribed for them life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth. The wounds fall under the law of retaliation. Afterwards, whoever renounces it by charity, it will be worth to him an expiation. And those who do not judge by what Allah has sent down, they are unjust "(S5.55).
51-Incitement to make a woman a slave and imprison her at home if she Is suspected or accused of adultery. Extract from the religious text: "You are forbidden to marry married women except those who would have fallen among yours but as a slave" (Sr 4:28). "Those of your women who fornicate, have four of you testify against them. If they testify, then confine these women to your houses until death recalls them or Allaah decrees another order concerning them "(Sr 4:15).
52-Incitement to reject any alliance with Christians and The Jews from all interactions with Muslims practicing the religion of Islam. Extract from the religious text: "O believers! Do not take Jews and Christians as allies; They are allies of one another. And those of you who take them as allies become one of their own. Allah does not guide unjust people "(S5.51).
53-Prohibition of holding the day or are slaughtered hundreds of sheep or animals according to a cruel religious ceremony (Halal meat) against the morals and practices of The people of Quebec and Canada.
54-Development of a corridor cleared in the fields and forests of the Canadian border with an automatic camera installation every 40 meters and a computer-based detector to detect illegal immigrants who want to cross the US border.
55-Cancellation of dual Canadian citizenship and the other of a Muslim country if it is proved by an investigation and a trial that an individual has worked or been at war for an Islamic terrorist group known as Daech or Al- Qaeda, etc.
56-Preventing the formation of Muslim Ghettoes not integrated with the Canadian host community, as in the suburbs of Molenbeek in Belgium, or these Arab-European assemblages contribute to the fomentation of terrorist coup d'etat elsewhere in Europe (Bataclan bombing, etc.).
57-Monitoring the ratio of Muslims who make up the apartments of the HLM so as not to overrepresent their inhabitants with their habits and customs, as in the agglomerations of the European cities or the Muslim community occupies a large place and creates certain major social problems being Many sociological studies. These Islamized areas gradually fall under the Islamic Sharia law, women end up being bullied and then by the number of population the other aberrations of Islam can take place and cause detriment to the population of French origin, German, Scandinavian, English, etc.
58-It would be unlawful and unconstitutional under Canadian law to enact legislation that would mold Canadian citizens in all forms against Islamist ideologies, alleging many of the hate speech cited above and inciting murder, which should not be proclaimed in the Canada by anyone (former Bill M-103 by Muslim politician Liberal Party member Iqra Khalid).
59-Discontinuance of any reasonable accommodation for the Muslim community, be it Ramadan supplementary leave, special Halal meals in The removal of religious signs from the original peoples, the ban on serving pork in US public schools, and the destruction of the Christmas tree in Western cultures or other ancestral traditions of the The host population does not have to give in to the illegitimate intransigent demands of Muslims.
60-Possibility to draw their Prophet Muhammad in Canada without fear of fortuitous reprisals from Muslim communities since other religions allow the representation of their God without claiming any reprisals.


1 commentaire:

  1. La religion si on peut appeler l'islam comme telle nest qu'une excuse pour les actes barbares, sexuels et inhumain puissent être commis par tous ces dépravés d'islamiques... et ici on en veut pas!
